these are your moments in time, with your favorite people

starting at $575

+ Styling guide and resources 
+ 25 hand crafted images on an online gallery
+ up to 60 minutes of session time (1 location)



+ Styling guide and resources 
+ Newborn session guide
+ 30 edited images on an online gallery 
+ 60 to 90 minutes of session time 

lifestyle newborn


the motherhood documentary

+ maternity session
+ lifestyle newborn session (in studio or in home)
+ styling assistance and newborn session guide
+ complimentary 8x8 album of 20 images, featuring your maternity and newborn session


the next steps



Step 1. After you've reviewed my portfolio and pricing - and you know that i'm your gal, it's time to get you on the books!  I will send you a contract and invoice to pay your retainer to reserve your date. You don't have to worry about your remaining balance until 3 days before your scheduled session. If you need a payment plan, just let me know! No dates are reserved until BOTH the contract and retainer are paid.





Step 2.  YAY! We've locked things in, and we are officially official. Now it's time to plan outfits and pick your location! But don't worry - I work closely with every family to help coordinate outfits. And I have a handful of locations to choose from. You will also receive a style guide from me for reference.

Session Day

Step 3. It's time for us to make new memories! Our session will last between 45-70 minutes. Session time ranges due to family size and location. 

Gallery Delivery

Step 4.  Four to six weeks after your session, you will receive your gallery where you can download your images and have access to professional prints + products.

because the photos aren't just for you, they are for them too.



Motherhood + Family Lifestyle Photographer serving Central and Northern Virginia.